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Broken #2 (The Broken Series - Book #2) Page 2

  “I'm sorry, Natalie. I already had plans today to meet my brother at the gym. I hadn't expected ... you last night. I didn't want to ditch him today.”

  “You could have left me a note.”

  He stood there silent unable to say anything else, or maybe he just didn't care to.

  “What are you up to today? What are you doing later?”|

  “I really have to get to class, okay, Jet? I'm running late.”

  He just nodded, confused as always.

  As I walked passed him, I whispered in his ear, “By the way, Kyle saw me naked this morning.” With that, I kept walking down the hall, and made a mental note that he didn’t say a word. I headed out the front door, thankful that Kyle either left the apartment, or holed himself up in his room for the day. Either way, I avoided him, and that's all that mattered.

  As I was walking down the street, I texted my friend, Brenda, from the art walk, and told her to meet me outside of campus before class. I called a cab, and had it pick me up as I continued to head down the street. I didn't want Jet to come out looking for me, as I was sure I alarmed him about the comment about Kyle seeing me naked. One-night stand or not, I knew Jet to be the territorial type, and he would not like the fact that Kyle had seen me naked.

  I watched as the cab pulled up beside me, and I got inside. I gave the address of the college, and the cab pulled away from the curb. I lay back in the seat, determined to rest my eyes again before I got to school. I didn’t have any of my schoolbooks, so I would have to wing it for the time being. I really hadn't thought through my seduction routine last night. Had I done that, I would have brought along my books as well.

  As the cab pulled up to the college, I saw Brenda outside the front doors, waiting for me. I paid the cab driver, including tip, and bounced out of the cab toward her.

  “Hey girl, how ya doing?” I asked.

  “You are a sight for sore eyes. Where is your stuff?”

  “I left it at home, so you are gonna have to be my book buddy for class.”

  “At home? Julie told me you didn't make it home again last night, and you haven't been home all week.”

  I blushed, forgetting that Julie and Brenda were also friends.

  “Yeah, I stayed at Jet's. No big deal, though.”

  Brenda raised an eyebrow. “Yeah, right. I guess when that handsome stud bought your art work; he sure won you over, didn't he?”

  “No, no, are you crazy? Absolutely not. He hasn't won anything. It was just a one-time slip on my part. I was actually out with Benny last night. I just needed to do something, anything to try to get over my ex, ya know?”

  “Really, that's all it was?”

  “To be honest I don't even remember much about it. Drank too much. But yes, I'm just trying to get that jerk out of my head, and Benny suggested spending the night with someone might do the trick.”

  “Benny suggested you sleep with Jet? Are you serious?”

  “No, he actually vehemently insisted I not sleep with Jet.” I laughed. “He just meant a guy in general, but thought Jet was a bad idea. For obvious reasons of course.”

  “You are sure in a pickle, aren't you?”

  “Yeah, it seems that way.”

  “So, what kind of gun is he packing?” she said, chuckling.

  “Oh God, are you actually asking me this?”

  “Well yeah, he's a stud. And since I don't have a prayer of having him ask me out, I'm curious.”

  “Well, although I don't remember a lot of the mechanics of the evening, I do recall being pleasantly surprised, so the boy is definitely packing a lot of heat,” I laughed then, winking at her.

  “Wow, I'm so jealous. I can't remember the last time I had sex.”

  “Brenda, please, I barely remember it. Just pieces, it could have been a wild disaster for all I know.”

  Brenda shrugged. “I don't know. Men like wild disasters.”

  I chuckled. “Maybe.”

  “So are you guys a thing now?”

  “No way. He's already slept with me, I doubt I'll ever hear from him again.”

  “I think he really likes you, Natalie.”

  “No, he doesn't. I'm just then next thing for him to conquer. And then he will move on.”

  We got to class, and settled down in our seats. I settled in as the professor made an announcement to the class.

  “Class, I want you all to be prepared for next Thursday. Class will be a little bit different that day and I want you to take that into account. We will not be meeting in the classroom, but in the gymnasium this time. So don't be late, and don't skip that day, as we will be having a special project.”

  I shot Brenda a disappointed face as I thought about the project. It had to be a sports-related themed project, and the thought of it bummed me out enormously. I had a strong dislike for sports of any kind, so the idea of a project based on it was disappointing, to say the least. I took it for what it was worth, however, and buckled down for another art class.

  When class ended, Brenda and I grabbed our things, and headed out to the hallway.

  “So what do you think the project will be about?” Brenda asked me.

  “I have no idea, but I think it's going to be severely lame if it's in the gym. Like what is she going to have us draw? Basketballs and catcher’s mitts? Borrrrrring.”

  Brenda laughed, but it was cut short when she stopped suddenly. I looked away from her, only to find Jet standing there, waiting for us outside of class.

  Brenda broke out into a grin, and said, “Hey, Jet, nice seeing you again.”

  He smiled and nodded at her before his eyes met mine again.

  I turned to Brenda, who was still grinning like an idiot.

  “So, Natalie, I will catch you later; I got to run.”

  “Oh sure, have a good day.” I watched as Brenda hurried away, casting a look at me over her shoulder as she headed off. That left me alone with Jet, and I wasn't happy about it. I had been sure the stalking, and showing up at random times and places, would have ended once he had his way with me. Why was he back for more? The drunken sex couldn't have been that good.

  “Hi, Natalie, how was class?”

  “It was peachy, Jet, and how was whatever it is you have been doing all day long?”

  “I had a good day with training, thanks.”

  “Do you actually ever go to class?” I laughed.

  He laughed along with me, and said, “Sometimes. Hey it's not my fault if the school values my sports career over everything else.”

  “Uh-huh, and God forbid you decide to have a higher calling than fists of fury.”

  He chuckled loudly. “How about we leave that topic of conversation for my father to obsess over.”

  “Your dad doesn't like your career choice, does he?”

  “No Natalie, my father is a very wealthy man. He started a company from scratch and turned it into a billion dollar operation.”


  “Yes, I can see you are really impressed. Trust me; I feel the same way. My dad does not like my career aspirations, because he would prefer if I went into the family business.”

  “So why don't you?”

  He sighed and looked like he was about to open up, spill the beans, and act like a human being, right before my eyes. He looked away from me, however, and caught himself before he spilled too many feelings all at once. He almost shook his thoughts clean from his mind. He looked at me, and smiled a sad sort of wistful smile. I didn't smile back. I didn't understand why he was the way he was, and to be honest, I didn't really want to know why.

  He sighed. “Look Natalie, the reason I came to meet you was because I wanted to apologize for my roommate walking in on you. It must have been embarrassing, and I gave Kyle an earful. He shouldn't be going in my room if he has no idea who is in there.”

  “Hey, don't worry about it. He didn't know, and I'm over it.”

  “Can we grab a cup of coffee, and chat, ya know, figure some things out?”

  “Jet, I'm busy. I didn't get much sleep last night. I need to study. I have projects coming out of everywhere, and right now you are an unwelcome distraction.”

  He chuckled. “Don't hold anything back on account of my feelings.”

  “Like you really care there, Jet.”

  He looked down at his feet and paused momentarily. “What do you say we try out more of that self-defense? You did pretty well last time. I think it would be good for you.”

  “No, really. I think I'm good now. I feel like I could probably handle a situation a lot better than I did before,” I smiled sheepishly. I didn't want to get more involved with Jet. If anything, I wanted to get the hell away from him. I felt foolish about our drunken escapade, and it made me feel uncomfortable in his presence.

  “I don't think that's true, Natalie. People train in self-defense for years. You just had one lesson, so when it comes to a high-pressure situation, you could easily forget everything I taught you.”

  I sighed. “Okay, look, fine. I'll come and do more if you promise to stop bothering me about it.”

  “You really want me to stop bothering you?”

  I laughed. “Yes, please. Anyway, that's the deal. Now I have to go study.”

  “Alright, Natalie. Have fun with that.”

  I waved him off as I walked away, and headed over to the library to get some more studying in.

  Chapter Four


  Class ran a little late, which annoyed me a little, because I needed to get back to my apartment on time. I had a whole day planned, and getting caught up in class wasn't part of that plan. I normally would have just skipped the class, but we had a test that day and I couldn't get to the point where I failed anything. My classes were always flexible in my mind, but if I wanted my father to continue to pay for my schooling, that meant not failing one class. If I flunked out of school, I would lose my chances to fight on the school MMA team. So it meant making sure my grades didn't get out of hand.

  I hurried from the school, and got in my car. I drove probably a little too fast in order to get to my apartment. I wanted to change and get some other items before I headed to the gym. It was the day that I was to teach Natalie more self-defense, and I was running late. I didn't want her to show up there, and think that I had blown her off. That was the last thing I wanted. She would probably not give me another chance to spend time with her, and she was already busting my balls over it. She wasn't the type of girl to give too many second chances. I pulled up to my apartment, and rushed inside the building. The door was already unlocked so I didn't need to worry about digging around for keys. I pushed through the door, and saw Kyle in the kitchen cooking lunch. It was a nice change of pace to see him someplace other than in front of a video game.

  I rushed down the hall into my bedroom and pulled drawers open to get the stuff I needed for the gym. I cursed myself for not just bringing it all with me to class, but I thought I would have plenty of time afterwards to come home and get what I needed. When I had what I needed, I hurried back out into the living room, and put everything into my gym bag. I went into the kitchen and opened the fridge, grabbing some water bottles and throwing them in my bag as well.

  “Hey man, what are you in such a hurry for?”

  I grabbed my bag and head for the door, and as I swung it open, I shouted over my shoulder, “Natalie,” and left it at that.

  As the door closed behind me, I heard Kyle say, “Of course.” I knew my friends couldn’t figure out what I was doing with Natalie, or why I hadn't just dropped her after I slept with her. I couldn't explain it myself, but I didn't owe Kyle or anyone else any answers. I was just living my life and seeing how things went on my own. Once I had it all figured out, I would start discussing it with others. At the rate I was going anyway, the girl probably wouldn't be talking to me much anymore.

  When I walked into the gym, I scanned the area immediately, and saw Natalie on the far end of the gym on the bench. A few of my teammates were talking to her while she was waiting. I was extremely pleased to see that she hadn't completely abandoned me, when I didn't show up on time, but something akin to jealousy rose up in me when I saw guys talking with her. I didn't want any of my friends anywhere near her―she was all mine. Or at least, I was trying to make her mine, but she certainly wasn't making it easy on me. I hurried over to where she was sitting, and she turned as she saw me approaching.

  “Hey, beautiful. Thanks for sticking around. I'm sorry I'm late; class ran a little late.”

  “Oh, and here I thought you never bothered with class.”

  “I'm just full of surprises, aren't I?”

  She giggled. “Well, well, well. So what are we doing today?”

  I looked over at the guys standing by watching. “Hey guys, how ya doing? I'm just going to borrow this beauty for a bit.” They chuckled at me and walked away, taking the hint rather nicely.

  “Does everyone just listen to everything you say?”

  I faced her again. “Well not everyone, darling.”


  I offered my hand to her. She took it, and I pulled her up from the bench she sat on. “Well, shall we?”

  She nodded, and we headed away from where the guys were training. I wanted her all to myself, and I didn't need any of the other guys offering their services. We went over to the octagon cage and went inside. No one would bother us there, and I would be assured that she would be mine for at least an hour.

  “So what’s your plan for me for today?”

  “I think we are going to try a different approach. I'm going to show you how to punch someone properly and then how to defend yourself against a punch.”

  “Really? You think I can learn to punch? Is that really going to help me defend myself against an attacker?”

  I laughed. “Of course it will. Besides, I think that we are going to do something a little more fun today. Hopefully it will make you want to come back for more.”

  “Oh, is that your hope?”

  I walked over to her and stood real close. I could practically feel the heat coming off of her. She blinked rapidly at me, suddenly aware of the heat between us.

  “Yes, Natalie, that is my hope,” I whispered.

  “Okay, down boy. Let's get down to business. I don't have all day.”

  I stood before her and enjoyed her closeness a moment longer before I turned from her. I went to my bag, which was on the side of the cage. I pulled out some gloves and brought them to her.

  “These might be a tad big on you, but they will do for now,” I helped her slip them on, and I tied them up. I thought she looked hot as hell wearing them, but I kept it to myself for now.

  She caught my look and said, “What?”

  I smirked. “Nothing; do they feel alright to you?”

  She nodded, looking down at her gloves.

  I put on some focus mitts and faced her again. “Okay, just like I showed you before. Your left hand is your jab, and your right had is your straight or cross. When I hold up a focus mitt, you will hit it with the appropriate punch. Just like I showed you last time. Jab, jab, jab. Or jab, jab, cross.”

  She looked slightly confused, so I slowed things down for her. “Just take it easy and we will go slowly for now.”

  She nodded, but she had a hint of a smile on her face, and I thought for a moment that she might actually be enjoying herself.

  We spent the training session going through various combinations with the focus mitt. She actually had a pretty solid right hand as we continued working on it. We threw in some hooks as well, but those had been a little confusing for her to put together right away. So we focused for the most part on the first two for now.

  “Go grab a drink of water, beautiful, and then I'll show you how to defend the same punches.” I helped her take off the gloves, and she turned from me to leave the cage. She looked over her shoulder before leaving the cage, with a quizzical look on her face. “Do you really think I'm beautiful?” Her question caught me
off guard. I smiled. “I've never seen anything like you, and that's the honest truth.”

  She met my eyes and held my gaze for a moment, before turning back to the door and walking out. She hadn't responded to me, and I watched as she walked to the water cooler and took a drink. She was only gone for a minute before she started walking back toward me. She didn't speak to me again for the entire training session. I wasn't sure if it was the comment that rendered her silent or something else.

  “I'm going to show you how to slip your shoulder slightly to avoid an oncoming punch, okay, sweetheart?”

  She faltered, and then regained herself, and just nodded. We spent the rest of the time we had together with me teaching Natalie how to slip and jab, and then how to slip a jab and a cross together. She started moving fluidly, and I held back the urge to tell her she looked so sexy. I wasn't sure if my last comment had scared her off a bit.

  Sweat marked her brow, and I told her we were finished for the day.

  “Thanks for that, Jet. It actually was pretty fun today. I always thought MMA was a joke, to be honest, but there are pretty solid techniques and skills involved. There's a reason you do what you do; it's not just men swinging at each other.”

  I nodded. “Well, I'm glad you feel that way now.”

  She waved as she walked away from me, heading to the front door.

  I jogged to the locker room; and changed out of my sweaty shirt and into a new one. I grabbed my gear for my own training session; and headed back out to the training area. Some of my teammates were still there; and a guy named Brian approached me.

  “Hey, what's up with you and the redhead? She's a fox.”

  I held myself back from cutting into him. “Just teaching the girl some basic techniques of self- defense.”

  “Does she want to fight?”

  I looked up at him as I started wrapping my hands on the bench. “No, the opposite actually. She was mugged a while ago, and I thought it was a good idea that she learn how to defend herself.”

  “Oh, that's shitty. Poor girl. Well, hey, if you're not getting in with her, do you mind if I do?”