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The Neighbor #4 (The Neighbor Romance Series - Book #4) Page 4

  “Mrs. Walsh. We have had several students—err, people, come forward. We have reason to believe that the relationship between Jenna and Professor Curran has crossed the line.”

  “Define this fuzzy line,” my mom asked.

  “I explained to Jenna, how the kiss in question was seen as inappropriate.”

  “Please lay it out for me. We are all adults,” my mother said.

  She cradled her head in her chin. She placed her elbow on the Dean’s desk and stared directly at him. He was flustered.

  “Ah, em. It was said that Professor Curran slipped his tongue into Ms. Walsh’s mouth. Another witness claimed he placed his hand on her bottom.”

  My mother laughed. I knew I was in trouble.

  “Are you telling me that he gave her a pat on the butt and for that reason you’re disrupting two innocent lives? How many of your football players celebrate the same way? It would seem to me that your decision is rather discriminatory—if it weren’t, the entire football team would surely be suspended with my daughter.” My mother was running at full steam. “I can’t believe this is the biggest issue your university is facing right now—a golf instructor celebrating with his student. I’m sure you have some predators affiliated with this university.” She tilted her head and gave the dean a meaningful look. “Maybe someone quite close. Do you have a skeleton in your closet Dean Meadows? Ah, probably not. You don’t look like the type.”

  I felt like I was gonna puke. My mother was on a roll and there was no stopping her. I wondered if Claude had made her coffee Irish. Dean Meadow’s began turning an odd, putty color.

  “Mrs. Walsh, I’m here to inform you today that this issue has been brought to the attention of the disciplinary board. Jenna will continue to be under suspension. She’ll have to make up any work missed until a decision is met. I suggest she make good use of her time while away from class.”

  “What about the professor?” my mother asked.

  “The two cases will be handled separately,” the dean said.

  My mom was determined to get in the last word. I braced for the worst as I curled my toes in anticipation of what would come out of her mouth next.

  “I don’t see the taxpayers liking how you’re spending their money. This is a state run establishment, correct? My boyfriend works for the local paper and this is just the sort of thing he likes writing about—a university wasting money investigating a young woman for engaging in the same activities your male athletes engage in all the time. I did not want to be forced to do this, but I will be contacting my attorney.”

  My mother walked out of the office and I followed like a duckling. Before we departed, the secretary informed me that I could return the next day to get the rest of my things. We soon arrived at the parking lot.

  “Mom. Please tell me you aren’t drunk. Boyfriend? Claude writes for the paper? Do you have an attorney? Oh god. I’m going to be expelled.”

  “I’m not drunk. Just a little feisty. Claude brings out the animal in me.” My mother smiled.

  “Just drive home. I don’t want to hear any more about you and Claude.”

  I looked at my phone to see Ryder was calling.

  I answered and instantly asked, “Hey do you know anyone working down at the burger joint? Cause I don’t stand a chance being reinstated.”

  “Tough day? Tomorrow is my challenging day. I will call you after I go to the doctor. I’m a little stressed, otherwise I would invite you over,” Ryder said. You can fill me on your meeting with Mean Dean tomorrow, okay? Jenna?”


  “No more smashing windows to get my attention. Just give me a call.”

  “Noted. Sleep well.”

  “Not likely without you...”

  Chapter Six

  I was determined to sleep through the night. I was already officially suspended, so I couldn’t do much until I heard back from Dean Meadows and Ryder was unavailable as he was going to his doctor’s appointment.

  I wasn’t meeting Max at Leach Hall until 10 AM. There was a great deal going on in my life, but nothing I could do about any of it. It was the calm before the storm. Unsure whether it would be a gentle rain or a destructive hurricane, I closed my eyes and debated if I should grab my umbrella or board up the windows.

  My decision to sleep in was overridden by the blare of my alarm. I had it set for an early morning class, back when I still had one to go to. It was set to Pharrell’s Happy. I must have set it to that song on a good day. Perhaps it was the day after I had sex with Ryder.

  I decided to call Sayler and give her an update.

  “Morning,” Sayler said.

  ‘What’s up?”

  “I’m getting dressed for work, Jenna. Is everything okay?”

  “Yeah. I just wanted to give you an update on what’s happening in my life,” I said.

  “My day is full, but I have an hour before I have to be in the office. I will meet you for a quick breakfast at the Bay Leaf.”

  “I will be there in fifteen,” I said.

  “See you there.”

  Sayler sounded business-like. I felt a slight sting knowing that everyone was moving on in life. I threw on jeans and a casual sweatshirt. I called Ryder before I left to meet Sayler, but he did not answer. I assumed he went for a run and was feeling similar to the way I did. We were both waiting for the other shoe to drop.


  I waited for Sayler at the Bay Leaf, a restaurant that proscribed to the farm to table theory. I knew it was a way of eating that I should have been doing for my own health, but pizza and ice cream were my favorites. If I continued to eat emotionally, I would be obese.

  Sayler arrived and I hoped she could talk me through the maze-like menu.

  “You clean up nice, Sayler,” I said as I greeted my BFF.

  Sayler was wearing a black skirt and an emerald green twin-set. Her hair was coifed perfectly.

  “Yeah, we have a staff meeting today and my department is making a presentation. I don’t usually try this hard but it makes me feel good.”

  “I’m sorry, Sayler. I have never asked much about your job or school. My life has been Ryder centric.”

  “I understand. My life is mundane in comparison to yours with lover boy. Give me the 411.”

  “How about we first order some grub? I don’t see a five dollar blue plate special. What do you suggest?”

  “The local shrimp and grits are amazing. Or the Wadmalaw onion and spinach omelet is good. They make their own seven grain bread here—yum.”


  The server came to our table.

  “I will have the onion and spinach omelet with an order of Applewood smoked bacon. I’ll have coffee, too, please. Black and keep it coming.”

  “I will have an egg white scramble with John’s Island tomatoes and I will have a raspberry green tea,” Sayler ordered.

  “Did I miss something? Where are the fat and calories?”

  “It’s my new thing. Rem’s second Coffee Shack is going to include some healthy food options. I’m doing a little research and it tastes good too…after you get used to it.”

  “I guess I’ll eat for both of us then.”

  We laughed and I filled her in about the Ryder drama and my meeting with my mother and the dean.

  “I can’t believe your mother Jenna. Sex with Claude must be great.”

  “Ugh. Don’t bring that up. I don’t want the image in my head. I turn the volume up to avoid hearing them in the room next-door. I’m beyond living at home.”

  “You never know how things might work out. You might be shacking up with Ryder next door.”

  “One thing at a time. I move the rest of my shit out of the dorm today and Max is planning to help me out.”

  “So you’re basically in a holding pattern? That can be a bitch. Did you ever find out who spotted you and Ryder?” Sayler asked.

  “No, I haven’t given it much thought. That is Max’s sort of thing, so I’m sure he’ll have some idea

  “I have to get going to work. I can’t even believe those words are coming out of my mouth,” Sayler said as she paid the check.

  “It isn’t your words that shock me. It is the fact that you just paid for my breakfast. Thanks, Say.”

  “No problem. Keep me posted. Luv ya.”


  After breakfast, I was off to campus to collect the remainder of my things. I had borrowed Claude’s SUV.

  The deciduous trees were bare and the sky was grey outside. It wasn’t a stellar day and I was hoping it would improve, along with my mood.

  I pulled up to Leach Hall. It hadn’t been a bad place to live. Perhaps I would call the place home again, but for now, I had to focus on moving out.

  “Max, you’re right on time,” I said as I walked into my former room. “Is Kelly here?”

  “She had an early class but she let me in to get your shit staged.”

  I looked at the mess. It was depressing, but I looked to Max to make it tolerable.

  “I see Kelly has moved things around a bit.”

  My bed had been combined with hers to make a double bed. I wasn’t pissed at Kelly, but it was unsettling. It made my suspension real and somehow permanent.

  “Yeah, I helped her move the beds together. It’s more comfortable that way—” Max paused. “That’s what Kelly said.”

  “Yeah…Okay, Max, let’s get this thing started. Did you borrow a dolly from maintenance?”

  “I sure did. I’ll load the boxes and you wheel out your bike. By the way, did you ever ride this thing?”

  “No, but I had the bike so I figured what the hell. I read that two things you should bring to college are a bike and a tennis racket. I never used either.”

  “No. You just used your mouth instead.”

  I punched Max in the arm.

  “My extracurricular activities are none of your business. Speaking of—how is Valerie?”

  “Shut up. What the hell is this?”

  He held up a purple drawstring bag in which I kept my personal research project. It contained lotions and essential oils.

  “Just throw it in the backseat of the SUV. It is a work in progress.”

  As I packed up my books, I got a little weepy. My dream to make something out of my life was in those books. I goofed off like many freshman, but at least I had a purpose. I felt like a rudderless boat or a ship without a sail.

  “I think we’re packed up, Jenna. You should turn your keys in to the RA and make a quick exit. This place is full of memories for you. It’s time to figure out what you’re doing tomorrow, next week, or next year. Make new tracks girl.”

  “Are you going to be okay at this school without me?” I said.

  “Oh, I’ll manage. It won’t be nearly as fun, but I’m hoping you will be back. Before you take off, I have a question.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Which putt-putt course did you visit?”

  “The Seven Wonders which isn’t far from campus.”

  “I thought so. I was curious when I saw Rozi from human sexuality class scribbling on a tablet from the Seven Wonders.”

  “Is this going somewhere, Max?” I asked.

  “Professor Flynn is boring. Can you imagine making human sexuality boring?”

  “Get to the point, Max.”

  By this time, I was curious.

  “I asked if she had been there. Rozi appeared nervous when I inquired, and Valerie and Rosemary were also flustered. She said she had, so I asked when. She was smart enough to say she didn’t remember, but her partner Rosemary was quick to give up the date and approximate time. I put two and two together and bingo. It was the same night you were there with the professor.”

  “That bitch with the ratty hair saw Ryder and I? She’s the one who made the report to the dean. It is good to have that information, but what the hell do I do with it? Thanks a million, Max. Right now I have something more important on my mind, but this certainly answers a lot of questions.”

  “Are you going to pay me? I helped you move, and I did your detective work,” Max asked.

  I laughed as I walked to my car and then called back to Max, “Keep in touch, Max. Thanks again.”


  I went home and took a shower. I had decided to take control of the situation. Knowing that Roz was the tattletale was easy to disprove. She would be seen as a jealous young woman. Ryder and I had been careful other than that one time. A celebratory embrace wasn’t enough to fire Ryder. As far as my suspension went, I couldn’t give a rat’s ass about South Carolina as long as they cleared my record.

  Chapter Seven

  My college stuff was moved into my mom’s garage. I felt like throwing my fucking bicycle in the trash. It wobbled on the back of the SUV during the entire ride down I-26.

  I had a terrible headache and it was nearly impossible to get Ryder off my mind as I was living next door to the man.

  I thought that I had figured out where I needed to be. I went in the house to have a conversation with my mom

  “Are you finally finished? Sorry I didn’t help more, but my feet are killing me after spending the day in those heels. What’s up, Jenna?”

  “I have to ask your advice,” I said.

  “Well that’s a first. I love to give advice, although no one ever takes it,” my mother said.

  “I wonder why Mother.” I smiled. “Ryder has an appointment with the doctor today. He is finding out the status of his cancer after his rigorous course of chemo and he told me not to come. He wants to do this alone, which I happen to think is bullshit. I was talking to a woman at the golf tournament and she says that a couple proves their strength through times of adversity. I feel like this is pretty damn adverse and we’re ready to face it together.”

  “What if his cancer has progressed? I know, and you do to, how sneaky cancer can be. Are you ready to stand by him as I did for your father? It takes every bit of energy one can muster. It’s a backbreaking, 24-hour commitment. You have hospital visits to coordinate, vomit to clean up, and you may have to shepherd him through death. Ryder appears to be a strong man, Jenna, but you have to prepare for the worst. Standing by your man is easy when the sun shines but it doesn’t always shine darling.”

  “So, you’re throwing the decision back at me?”

  “That’s what I’m doing. I do have one additional thing to tell you. In all the craziness that went on here when you shattered the window, I noticed one thing. Ryder looked at you in a way I rarely see. I have personally only had a man view me that way twice. The first time was with your father. Unbelievably, before he got sick he was a romantic. The second time was with Claude. I have been a mess for five years. You have raised me, Jenna. I’m back on my feet now and I give you permission to grow up. Go after Ryder, if that’s your choice.”

  I gave my mom a big hug and ran up to change.

  “Thanks, Mom. You have fun with Claude. I’m going to stand by my man, whether he likes it or not,” I said as I raced up the stairs.

  I pulled on my skinny Jeans. Ryder’s favorite color was yellow so I grabbed a yellow cashmere sweater with a plunging neckline. I had high leather boots, which I rarely wore but they made me look long and lean. Ryder would love them.

  I had read his pill bottles and I recognized the name of the doctor. He was in the same group as my father’s oncologist. I Googled the directions and jumped in my car. I drove like a racecar driver. I was determined to meet Ryder in time. I couldn’t believe I had hesitated to be with the man I loved. I was sure I was making the right decision.

  I knew the brick building well from going to visits with my father. It didn’t hold the best memories, but I was determined to change that. I parked my car next to Ryder’s Lexus. I ran up the steel stairs, which were difficult to manage with my boots.

  I noticed the woman at the reception desk.

  “Hello, I recognize you.” The woman remembered who I was and knew my father had died. “Jenna Walsh—correct?”r />
  “Yes, I’m not here about my father—obviously. I’m here regarding Ryder Curran. I believe he has an appointment with Dr. Borski.”

  “Are you related to him?”

  Think fast.

  “I’m his wife.”

  “Well, congratulations! Yes, Ryder has already checked in. He is waiting in Suite 208. One floor up.”


  I didn’t take the elevator. I bounded up the steps two at a time and nearly broke my neck. I entered the office to find Ryder sitting among six other patients. Who knew what type of cancer each of them had, but they all looked afraid. Ryder was stunned to see me. I received looks from all the others.


  “Jenna, what are you doing here?”

  Ryder acted calm. What he wanted to scream out in a raised voice was probably—Jenna, what the fuck are you doing here?

  Ryder stood up and approached me. All eyes were upon us and he spoke in hushed tones.

  “I told you I would tell you the results after my appointment.”

  “We can face this together, Ryder. I will find out eventually.”

  “This isn’t an appropriate place to have this argument.” He looked uncomfortable.

  “Too bad, and I don’t care if all of these people are beginning to wonder what we’re doing whispering in the middle of the doctor’s office,” I said.

  “Ryder, you can go into see Dr. Borski now,” a nurse’s assistant said, standing at the door.

  “I’m going to make a scene if I don’t get my way,” I lied and then smirked.

  “Fine, let’s go.”


  We sat together in Dr. Borski’s office. It wasn’t an exam room and it wasn’t sterile, but clubby in atmosphere. I expected the doctor to offer Ryder a cigar. Dr. Borski was about sixty-five and he was very distinguished. I thought he was going to be a stuffy doctor who didn’t mind giving folks bad news. He proved me wrong immediately.