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The Neighbor #4 (The Neighbor Romance Series - Book #4) Page 5

  “How’s it going, Ryder? I have to apologize for passing your case over to my colleagues for the past couple of months. Mercy Corp called and I went running,” Dr. Borski said.

  “I was handled just fine, Rick. This is my very good friend, Jenna.”

  It was a surprise to be introduced as anything but his golf student.

  “It’s great to meet you, Jenna. The only person I have ever met is little Sammy. That kid is a firecracker. He insisted on being here for Ryder’s first chemo. By the time he left, he knew more than some residents and nurses. I’m glad Ryder brought in his very good friend to this appointment. It is the type of news one wants to share.”

  Ryder put his face in his hands and sighed. I moved my chair closer to his and placed my arm around his back.

  “Ryder, there is no evidence of cancer in your body. Your blood counts are normal and your scan is clear. You are cancer free, Ryder.” Dr. Borski smiled.

  Ryder stood up and put his hands in the air. He lifted me off my feet and squeezed me like a python. Then he kissed me hard.

  “Did you hear that baby? We are going to celebrate like never before. I couldn’t have gotten through this without you...”

  Ryder whipped his iPhone from his pocket. It was his cancer phone. He threw it on the plush office carpet.

  “Would you like the pleasure?” I looked at Ryder. “Go for it. You’re wearing the boots for it,” Ryder said and Dr. Borski nodded in agreement.

  I jumped up and down, destroying Ryder’s stupid, second phone. After a few moments of celebration, Ryder and I sat down again.

  “I don’t remember having so much fun telling a patient he or she was cancer free. It has been a long road and you deserve every fortune that comes your way. Check with Irene on your way out. She’ll make an appointment for you in about six months.”

  “Thank you, Rick. I couldn’t have done it without you and your team.”

  “And thank you for helping the kids with cancer already. They look forward to the free golf clinic you and your buddies put on every year.” Dr. Borski opened the door for us to leave.

  We made it to the parking lot. It was my turn to push Ryder against the car. I pushed my body close to his and he never felt more virile. I tossed off his golf cap.

  “You won’t need that anymore. You have plenty of years ahead to collect a million caps.”

  “You’re right… You know, when I saw you walk into that office, I didn’t know whether to hug you or strangle you. But now, I just want to put my cancer free head between those thighs and linger a very long time.”

  “Easy there…”

  He grinned. “Pop the lock Jenna...your backseat is waiting.”

  “Mm. It is tempting, Ryder, but I have other plans for you tonight.”

  “Really…Well, I’m going to surprise Sammy tonight. He has been so worried, the poor kid. I’m going to drive out to his mother’s house, which will take some time because I’ll hit rush-hour traffic. I’m gonna take him for ice cream and I won’t be home until late. As much as I hate to delay our celebration, I must.”

  “I would hate to stand in the way of a dedicated father.”

  “Would you rather I wasn’t one?” Ryder asked.

  “Of course not.”

  “Good. I will be home late so I will call you in the morning.”

  “You know where I’ll be.”

  “I will be thinking of you as you lay all snuggled in your bed.”

  “I’ll be dreaming of us.”

  Before getting in my car, Ryder gave me an explosive kiss. He pulled my head back and jammed his tongue hard in my mouth and I quickly pulled away.

  “Ryder, we don’t want anyone to see.”

  “Fuck it, Jenna. It’s a little late.”

  I hopped in my car and headed home. On the way, I stopped at the mall.


  I walked past the concrete archway. I detested the mall so much that it made me itch. Clothes were cool, and I loved them, but I think I had a mall allergy. Sayler stopped shopping with me years ago when she could no longer deal with my anxiety. There was nothing pleasurable about the process. The lighting sucked and, when combined with the boxes with mirrors they called dressing rooms, it only made it worse.

  I had a view of the other shopper’s feet, which was weird. It made me envision them naked as they put on a pair of jeans that were too tight. If I heard another person sneeze, I would picture boogers flowing out of their noses. They would wipe the snot on the clothes that I might try on. The place was like a petri dish in a lab—full of germs.

  I was in the habit of spending too much money that I didn’t have. Bring on the plastic. My panicked state caused me to buy a whole lot of shit that I didn’t need and rarely wore. I would have to avoid the changing rooms and eyeball stuff. If it looked cute, I would buy it.

  All that made online shopping my refuge. My computer shopping carts were loaded.

  I loved it.

  That day I was shopping for Ryder. It would be worth it. In fact, I wasn’t itchy and I felt serene.

  I headed to the sports outlet first. I got him an engraved divot tool. I didn’t know if the one he gave me brought me luck, but it was a comfort. This one was engraved with his new birthday: the day he was born into a healthy life.

  My next stop was the lingerie store. I felt the panic coming on. Trying on undergarments was out of the question.

  “Hello. Can I get a room started for you?” A woman excessively made up with a measuring tape around her neck asked and approached me.

  “I was wondering if you have some things in back, which haven’t made it to the floor yet. I’m looking for something in a petite. I just want to look over some things to purchase. I won’t be trying anything on.” I gave the woman clear instructions.

  “I can measure you in back so we will have your exact size.”

  “I don’t need to be measured. I know my size,” I said.

  “We hear that all of the time but a woman’s body changes according to her monthly cycle, age, and life in general. It is a good idea, if you aim to look and feel your best,” she said.

  “Very true.” I relented and made it through the ordeal as quickly as possible.

  I walked out of the mall with my packages. I repeated to myself the words cancer free, cancer free. Even a trip to the mall was unable to dampen my spirits.

  Chapter Eight

  I bounded in the door to find Claude and my mom relaxing at the kitchen table. I had disrupted the mood once again.

  “Hey guys, excellent news! Ryder is cancer free, according to his recent tests. I’m going straight to bed because my honey and I will be celebrating tomorrow!”

  “I’m so relieved…I was unable to celebrate that type of cancer news with your father. It must feel amazing. Congratulations to you both, and we will throw him a party after you and him get this school thing figured out.”

  “Sounds great…God, I’m so happy. I’m either going to sleep like a baby or be too excited to relax,” I said and ran upstairs.


  It was approaching midnight and I had not slept. I had cycled through all of the mixes from my nephew. I had moved on to audio books as I was becoming desperate. I was listening to anything that would put me to sleep. I considered calling Sayler or Max, but it was late. I also felt that I was becoming narcissistic. They had lives, too; it wasn’t all about Ryder and me, which I often forgot.

  I went to the bathroom a couple of times. The window was boarded up, but I managed to peer out an exposed corner. There was no sign of Ryder. I knew he was having a good time with his son and I was a little jealous that it wasn’t me, but I understood. Sammy was only nine years old and he suffered along with Ryder throughout his illness.

  I went down to the kitchen to grab a snack. I had always heard that warm milk could help one be soothed to sleep. I figured a chocolate chip cookie would have the same effect and it would taste better.

  “Oops—my bad. I didn’t think any
one was down here. What are you doing up, Claude?”

  “Your mother’s geriatric dog was scratching at the bedroom door. He has started waking me up for a late night walk. He can sense when I’m here and he must know that I a softie. We have a cookie together before I go back to bed, but don’t tell your mom.”

  “Great minds think alike, Claude. My great wisdom has led me to believe that a cookie might put me to sleep.”

  “Let me know how it works for ya? I hope my presence in this house doesn’t make you uncomfortable, Jenna. I know this is your home, and it was you father’s home, too. I have had my eye on your lovely mom for a long time, but I waited until it seemed appropriate to ask her out. Taking up jogging was my last ditch effort to attract her attention.”

  “I feel the opposite, Claude. It is about time my mom had a glimmer of light in her life. You shake things up around here. I’m hoping everyone enjoys a little stability in their lives next year. Now that Ryder’s cancer has gone into remission, I won’t be so crazy. The suspension matter feels less important now.”

  “Cheers to that.”

  Claude and I clinked milk glasses. From next door, I heard Ryder’s garage door opening, making me tense.

  “Did you hear that, Claude? It was Ryder’s garage door. He’s home…This morning, I put my mother on the hot seat by asking her advice so…now it’s your turn…if you want to.”

  I noticed poor Claude start to panic.

  “I don’t have any daughters, but I’ll give this Dear Abby thing a try. What is the question?” Claude asked.

  “If you were Ryder, would you prefer to be left alone or have a surprise visitor?”

  “Good news is always something you want to share. I can’t imagine Ryder feels much like sleeping either. What do you have to lose? It beats shattering another window to draw his attention. Go say hello, and take him a cookie.”

  “Thanks, Claude,” I said.

  I quickly changed into my new bra and panties and threw worn jeans and a t-shirt on top. I was ready.


  I knocked on Ryder’s front door. At first, he did not answer. I considered knocking on his bedroom window, but I thought I had incurred enough property damage already. I saw the lights turn on as he made his way to the front door.

  The door swung open.

  “Jenna, I thought it might be you.” Ryder smiled.

  He was wearing light blue pajama pants and no shirt. His pants were scattered with prints of golf balls and a drawstring secured them at his wasp waist. He had a book in his hand and he was wearing his glasses. He motioned me in, so I walked in the door and shut it behind me.

  “I’m glad you thought it was me and not some other woman.”

  “Well, there is no other woman. Now that the Sammy mystery has been put to rest, I would hope you know that.”

  Ryder walked towards me. It took enormous restraint not to jump into his arms. I put my palm to his chest to stop his advance.

  “No, Ryder, we aren’t going to fall into bed. Not yet anyways. I have a plan and it requires you to trust me.”

  “Okay….” Ryder said tentatively.

  “I’m going to gather some things for us. I will be a few minutes and I would like you to wait for me in the car.”

  “Sex in the backseat—finally,” Ryder guessed.

  “No. It’s better and more imaginative. For once, I’m the one with the secret.”

  Ryder went to get his keys. After more prompting, he finally did what he was told and waited in the car. I gathered a few beach towels, a bottle of champagne and some Beats speakers that we could attach to his phone. I put some blankets in a bag and I made sure to pack the engraved divot tool I had got him. I also threw in a couple of golf sweaters because it was cold at night.

  Then, I jumped in Ryder’s car.

  “Head north up 26 and take the 99E exit,” I barked.

  “Where the hell are we going, Walsh?”

  “It’s going to be epic. We deserve to let loose. For too long we have both been in limbo. In this moment – right now, we don’t have any excuses. The school shit doesn’t mean much when compared to the fight for life you just won. Let’s celebrate the present.”

  “All right…I’m driving but I have no idea where we’re going.”

  I turned the music up loud. We listened to a little Coldplay. We could agree on their music. Ryder did not look or act his age, but music made or age difference evident. I pretended not to like all of the pop princesses but I would admit to an occasional Taylor Swift or Ariana Grande tune. Ryder favored Smashing Pumpkins, R.E.M., and Nirvana. The drive that I had in mind was about an hour long.

  “So, you know that I have always wanted to play 50 questions with you. But we always end up in bed or asleep in front of the television. There is so much about you that I don’t even know.”

  “That’s not what I had in mind, Jenna. I was hoping for at least a hand job.”

  “Pull over at the next rest stop and I will…get you a cup of coffee.” I smiled.

  I wasn’t normally a tease but I was having fun. I purchased Ryder a cup of joe and we were back on the road. I snuggled in against Ryder as he drove.

  “Democrat or Republican,” I asked.

  “No religion or politics, just like my mama taught me. Try again.”

  “Favorite animal?”

  “It sure as hell isn’t a dog like Potato. I like hippos.”

  “Well, that’s original. I like horses. Favorite food?”

  “I like a good Italian meal, like lasagna,” Ryder answered.

  “Too cheesy. I like doughnuts a lot. Dream vacation?”

  “Anywhere with you, Jenna.”

  “How sweet…Mines a mountain hideaway. No phone or electronics for miles.”

  “I don’t think I could unplug for more than twenty-four hours. Even that would be a stretch.”

  I grinned. “Favorite book?”

  “Moby Dick. What’s yours?”

  “You have all of those great sex books and you choose Moby Dick.”

  “I like the classics. You haven’t told me your favorite book.”

  “I’m so busy with school that I have no time to read for pleasure.”

  “That sounds twisted...You aren’t in school at the moment. I think you have a favorite book and you’re afraid to tell me. You’re a 50 questions cheat.”

  “We seem to be out of time Ryder. We can play more later and I’m not a cheat. Make the next left,” I directed Ryder.

  “We are heading towards the lake, Jenna. It’s 3 AM, why the hell are we at the lake?”

  “Park the car and no more questions.”

  “Bossy…It is a trait that I’m starting to see more of. I kinda like it.”

  Ryder was puzzled as I got out of the vehicle and started to strip. Ryder looked on as I shed my clothes stood before him in my new bra and panties. I gave him the full, lingering view before I stripped them off as well. I threw my black lace bra at Ryder, which landed on his head.

  “You are absolutely crazy. Look at that body. The cold air agrees with you! Your nipples are rock hard.” Ryder stared at me in amazement.

  “I love the cold air. This is what it’s like to be alive—to feel everything.”

  I splashed into the water and waded up to my knees. I doused my head in the water and screamed.

  “It’s fantastic, Ryder! Come feel what it’s like to be alive.”

  “Uh, I just received a clean bill of health. Are you trying to make me sick again?”

  “Absolutely not, Ryder. Yesterday you were dying, now it’s time to live. Come join me.”

  “Perhaps I’m crazy…but I guess I’m coming in.”

  Ryder raced across the sand and dove under the water. He surfaced and after letting out a shrill scream and he grabbed me in his arms. I was the coldest I had ever been and in his arms, I was hot.

  Ryder kissed me gently, beginning on my chest and travelling up to my ears, cheeks and eventually my mouth.

“Thank you, Jenna—I think. If this was my jolt back into life, it worked. I have never felt as alive as I’m right now in your arms.”

  We continued to kiss in the water that rose up to our knees. We eventually moved on shore where we snuggled under the blankets until the sun came up. We fell into a twilight sleep that was interrupted abruptly.

  “Excuse me sir. There is no trespassing on state property between dusk and dawn except for areas designated for overnight camping,” the man in uniform said.

  “Sorry, it was my idea to take a little dip in the lake last night and we must have dozed,” I said as I smiled bashfully.

  “In addition, mam, there is no drinking alcohol on the premises.” The park ranger pointed at the bottle of champagne.

  “Sorry, are you going to give us a ticket? Cause we were just celebrating the fact that my friend here is cancer free.”

  I realized that I had no pants on and my hair was still wet.

  “I’m going to let you off with a verbal warning. Congratulations on the cancer thing. That is a good one. I will remember that one if I’m ever pulled over for speeding.”

  The park ranger walked away and Ryder shook his head.

  “It’s always an adventure with you, Jenna.” Ryder smiled and kissed me.

  “I guess we should head home. I’ll pick up our crap,” I said.

  “I will check my messages. It sure feels good to only have one phone.” Ryder smiled.

  We began the drive home and Ryder was still hoping for his hand job. I was willing, until Sammy called. It made me think about Ryder’s priorities while we were driving. Sammy was always going to be number one, as I thought he should be. Regardless of where our relationship went, I always had to keep that in mind.

  Slowly, I fell back asleep for the remainder of the ride home.

  “Jenna, wake up sleepy head. We’re home. I mean you’re at your house and I’m at mine. That is going to get confusing. I have a surprise for you.”

  I was sleepy and I looked like a drowned rat.

  “What is my surprise?” I asked

  “I got a message from the Dean’s office. The investigation into our lascivious behavior at the putt- putt course—I can’t even say that with a straight face—is complete. He wants to meet with us this afternoon. Are you available?”